Teaching Lower Ability Students by @AnnaSte06637523

Name: Anna Steele
Twitter name: @AnnaSte06637523
Sector: Secondary
Subject taught (if applicable): English
Position: Assistant headteacher
What is your advice about? Teaching lower ability students

1: The feedback you give these groups needs to be as detailed as the advice you give your tops sets BUT it has to be phrased and exemplified in a way that they can understand.

2: Use stickers and stamps to praise and then spend time on telling them HOW to improve (not just WHAT to improve).

3: Have high expectations of them: this will encourage them to have high expectations of themselves and will hopefully produce a ‘can do’ attitude.

4: If you’re doing number 3 right, then their books / folders should reflect this. Encourage presentation by being clear on what you expect (dates / titles underlined, etc).

5: Don’t water down their curriculum: they’re entitled to learn what other sets do and do the same topics. Just break down the learning so they can access it.

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