Hot Weather by @iteachRE

Name: Andy Lewis
Twitter name: @iteachRE
Sector: Secondary
Subject taught (if applicable): RE
Position: Head of Year 11 & 2nd i/c RE
What is your advice about? Hot Weather

  1. Open windows first thing in the morning. Work out the optimum blind / window position.
  2. Encourage students to fill water bottles at break or lunch. If you let out one, they’ll all want to go.
  3. When Y11/12/13 go on study leave or are taking exams, move your class to rooms with air con, or are just cooler.
  4. Students can be reluctant to take off blazers, jumpers and cardigans. Gently encourage them to do so – especially if they are red faced!
  5. Think about things that generate heat – is it a good opportunity to switch off the projector?

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